
a story born in 1946

What's behind a good extra virgin olive oil?

Maybe the Sicilian Ragusa and the Iblei Mountains?

First of all a story, very often that of a family

And this is the story of the family Fidone.
The war had just ended, Italy free from a few months:
in 1946 Fidone the oil mill began to work in this area,
right in the heart of Scicli

Sacrifice, passion, dedication, experience

These are the foundations that - from 2003 - They have formed the foundations of a plant modernization and production techniques. New location, new strength and new perspectives

Those prospects who - after a lifetime working on behalf of third parties - pushing the grandchildren to market a product: to their land

An award-winning method for a special oil

There is a good oil without an established method: because nothing can be left to chance, even the smallest details

The Fidone EVO oil Scicli comes only from local olives, and is extracted cold exclusively. From here - and only from here - It goes on a finely crafted oil, Also perfect for the most discerning palates

One method that has achieved an important recognition, The "Olimpia Award" by the University of Athens. Not so much a medal to hang in the chest but the confirmation of an "oil highly beneficial for the large amount of polyphenols"

An oil that is born on hills Scicli

One of the secrets of extra virgin olive Fidone? Here it is revealed: Scicli. Baroque City, by consolidated traditions. And it topped by beautiful and picturesque hills

Just on those hills are born, grow and mature olives used for these high quality oils. There is a choice location at random: the area is perfect for these plants because of the clay soil and silty but also for exposure to the sun. The great and golden sun of Sicily

And then a truly unique mix, unattainable elsewhere: the right distance from the coast and the sea, the correct altitude

This is also a recipe for Big Oil